NDIS Hearing Support Funding

Hearing Services funded by NDIS

NDIS Hearing Services

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is administered by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) and supports people who have a permanent and significant disability to receive support to live a better life.

  • The NDIS funds hearing supports for NDIS participants aged 26 and over who are not eligible for the HSP.
  • The Government's Hearing Services Program (HSP) funds hearing services for Australian citizens and permanent residents who satisfy its eligibility criteria (under 26 or hold a Pension or DVA card).
  • The NDIS also funds additional reasonable and necessary hearing supports for participants if they are not available through the HSP. This includes people under 26.

You can access the NDIS and HSP at the same time but you can't get the same supports from both programs at the same time.

Tina Hardy
3 reviews

So happy with my hearing aids and the quality of service from these guys. The guidance going thru NDIS and the different steps required was something I would never have been able to do alone and to top it all off I can now hear! It's been a total game changer for me and I'm so grateful.

What does NDIS cover?

NDIS covers employment, education, social participation, independence, living arrangements and health and well being.

To achieve adequate funding, ensure your goals (when asked) include your desire to engage more fully in community, social and work activities, such as everyday social interaction, maintaining relationships with your family and friends, listening to TV at a reasonable volume.

Will NDIS cover cost of new hearing aids?


If you need hearing aids, cochlear implants, accessories or a combination to meet your communication requirements and an Audiologist has documented those requirements, the NDIA will consider the information and make a decision as to whether the request is reasonable and necessary.

Saving more than your hearing

HEARING SAVERS is a leading registered NDIS provider of therapeutic services, supporting adults living with disability associated with hearing loss.

From 1 July 2020, there are significant changes to funding and delivery of NDIS Hearing Support Services

NDIS participants aged between 21 and 26 years of age can choose to receive their services from HEARING SAVERS or any other contracted hearing service provider.

The HSP funds hearing services for eligible people.

The NDIS funds reasonable and necessary supports that are not available through the HSP, e.g. accessories.

The NDIS will fund reasonable and necessary hearing supports for NDIS participants.

If you are an NDIS participant with an HSP voucher, you can continue to use it for hearing supports until it expires or you decide to cancel it at your next plan review. Once the voucher is no longer valid, you can include reasonable and necessary hearing supports in your NDIS plan instead.

The HSP funds hearing services for eligible people.

If you are an existing NDIS client, you can choose to remain with the NDIS, and the NDIS will fund reasonable and necessary hearing supports that are not available through the HSP.

The NDIS does not consider applications from new applicants aged 65 and over.

What kind of hearing supports can the NDIS fund?

A range of hearing supports and services may be included in an NDIS plan depending on what is right for each participant, and what services and support can help them reach their goals.

This may include the latest hearing aids, wireless accessories, other assistive technology, hearing device maintenance, repairs and consumables, and Audiological services such as assessments, hearing aid adjustments and assessments.

Your Audiologist and planner can help you consider what supports might be reasonable and necessary for you.

The NDIS can fund additional disability related services and supports if they are not available via the HSP.

For example, an NDIS plan may include a co-payment towards annual maintenance and administration fees for replacement of lost or damaged beyond repair devices, assistive listening devices such as flashing and vibrating smoke alarm or wireless TV streamer

Your Audiologist and planner can help you consider what supports might be reasonable and necessary for you.

To join the NDIS you will need to meet the age, residency and either the disability or early intervention requirements.

You will meet the age requirements if you are under 65 years of age, at the time you apply for the NDIS.

You will meet the residence requirements if you live in Australia, and are either an Australian Citizen, holder of a permanent visa or a special category visa (SCV) holder who is a protected SCV holder.

If you have an average hearing loss that is moderately-severe (65 decibels or more) in your better ear, you may meet the eligibility criteria for the NDIS.

If your hearing loss is below this average, but you have other permanent impairments e.g. vision or cognitive impairments, or significant difficulty with understanding speech, you may be eligible for the NDIS.

To apply for the NDIS you will need to complete an Access Request form, which can be requested by:

  • Calling the NDIA on 1800 800 110
  • Using the NDIA teletypewriter (TTY) service on 1800 555 677
  • Phoning the National Relay Service, 1800 555 727
  • Telephone Interpreting Service, 131 450
  • Completing an online contact form
  • Emailing NAT@ndis.gov.au
  • Visiting a local office
  • Posting a letter to the National Disability Insurance Agency, GPO Box 700, Canberra ACT 2601.

To support your access request, you will need to provide the NDIA with evidence of your age, residence and disability.

Evidence of your hearing loss will include your latest hearing test results (audiogram), or if your hearing loss is below the requirement, an audiogram and a report from your audiologist.

The NDIS is not able to reimburse providers for carrying out diagnostic hearing assessments to support a participant to apply for the NDIS.