New Upgrades for Signia AX hearing aids

New Upgrades for Signia AX hearing aids

Signia Augmented Xperience In 2021, Signia launched its Augmented Xperience (AX) platform that really changed the game, delivering an unprecedented hearing experience that went way beyond previous natural-sounding solutions. Signia AX's Augmented Focus technology uses two separate sound processors: one processor for sounds in focus, like the wearer's conversation partner's voice; and the other processor for the surrounding sound. This revolutionary split-processing approach means …
8th May 2022 Ryan
Phonak ActiveVent Receiver

Phonak ActiveVent Receiver

The world’s first intelligent hearing aid receiver Phonak ActiveVent features an automatic mechanically switching vent to provide natural sound of your own voice while optimising your hearing performance. ActiveVent attaches to your Phonak Audéo Paradise rechargeable hearing aids. It blocks out noise in loud environments to optimise hearing in noisy places while providing you with a comfortable and natural listening experience in quiet. How does ActiveVent work? Phonak ActiveVe …
30th Aug 2021 Ryan
Huge Hearing Aid Donation

Huge Hearing Aid Donation

Hearing Aids donated to Hearing Matters Australia During these challenging times in Australia, will rolling lockdowns and significant disruption to our daily lives, we are fortunate to be in a position to share the joy of hearing with those less fortunate. In August 2021, HEARING SAVERS donated 50 pairs of high-quality hearing aids, accessories and consumables to Hearing Matters Australia. Hearing Aid Bank Hearing Matters Australia and Macquarie University in Sydney established a Hearing …
16th Aug 2021 Ryan
Phonak Paradise vs Marvel hearing aids

Phonak Paradise vs Marvel hearing aids

How does the new Phonak Paradise compare to Phonak Marvel? Phonak launched the Paradise range of hearing aids in late 2020. Paradise superseded the very popular Phonak Marvel range, offering new features and high quality hearing, particularly in the most challenging of listening environments. So what's the difference? Many of our clients ask us whether it is worth upgrading from Marvel, or older model Phonak hearing aids, to the new Phonak Paradise. We've prepared a comparison table bel …
23rd Feb 2021 Ryan
Hear More with Oticon MORE in 2021

Hear More with Oticon MORE in 2021

Launching January 2021 We're excited to introduce Oticon More, Oticon's next generation premium hearing device, powered by the new Polaris platform. The Polaris chip is so intelligent, fast and powerful that, for the first time in a hearing aid, you can access the full perspective. We’re also excited that Oticon More offers direct streaming from compatible iPhone and Android phones. As well as streaming directly from iPhone and iPad, Oticon More can also stream directly from Andr …
23rd Dec 2020 Ryan