New Upgrades for Signia AX hearing aids

New Upgrades for Signia AX hearing aids

Signia Augmented Xperience

In 2021, Signia launched its Augmented Xperience (AX) platform that really changed the game, delivering an unprecedented hearing experience that went way beyond previous natural-sounding solutions.

Signia Augmented Xperience

Signia AX's Augmented Focus technology uses two separate sound processors:

  • one processor for sounds in focus, like the wearer's conversation partner's voice; and
  • the other processor for the surrounding sound.

This revolutionary split-processing approach means speech is processed separately from the surrounding sounds, then recombined for clear contrast. You experience outstanding speech clarity in a fully immersive environment. No more straining to discern speech from background noise.

Three New Upgrades for Signia AX

Available from 3 May 2022

Signia is now pleased to release a performance upgrade to the Signia AX platform with the introduction of three new features. These features are available for new hearing aid order plus upgrades for existing Signia AX clients. Signia Augmented Xperience


HandsFree for iOS

HandsFree for iOS allows you to enjoy calls hands-free even in noisy environments while the hearing aid's microphone allows the conversation partner to hear your voice in high quality.

Available in the 7AX, 5AX & 3AX performance levels.


Auto EchoShield

Auto EchoShield analyses the room acoustics and automatically adjusts signal processing to optimise speech clarity in high and low reverberation environments.

Available in the 7AX performance level.


Own Voice Processing 2.0

Own Voice Processing 2.0 harnesses the split processing technology of the AX platform for an even more comfortable own voice experience.

Available in the 7AX, 5AX & 3AX performance levels. (a)

Contact HEARING SAVERS on ☎ 1800 00 4327 to upgrade your hearing today!

See the AX Range »

(a) not available for Insio Charge&Go AX

8th May 2022 Ryan

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