Be Healthy & Independent with Signia

Be Healthy & Independent with Signia

Signia My WellBeing

Empowering you to enjoy the best possible quality of life is at the heart of hearing care. The new My WellBeing features in the Signia app allow you to use your Signia hearing aids to keep track of your important health indicators.

Signia AX hearing aids

My WellBeing allows you to see exactly how many steps you take each day (My Steps) and how active you are (My Activity) thanks to the hearing aid’s precise motion sensor. The app even shows you how consistently you are using your hearing aids (My WearTime) and socially interacting with others (My Conversations).

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Research shows that health features like these help you stay active, which boosts your energy levels and confidence – even with moderate physical activity such as walking around your home or garden.

My WellBeing features

With the new My WellBeing features in the Signia app, you can now see important indicators of how well you are doing in your overall health, at a glance – empowering you to better maintain your physical activity.

My WellBeing features in the Signia app

My Activity

The use of a fitness tracker can help increase physical activity and keep you active. Signia app’s My WellBeing feature is smart enough to know how much time you spend exercising - and together with your steps, provides an overview of your physical activity level.

My Steps

Staying physically active is shown to improve energy levels and confidence – and even slow down age related hearing loss. The motion sensor in Signia AX hearing aids not only helps you hear better on the move, but also enables you to see exactly how many steps you take each day.

My WearTime

You can only take advantage of the many benefits your hearing aids provide when you are wearing them. My WellBeing monitors how well you are using your hearing aids based on how often you use them – helping you better understand your usage habits.

My Conversations

Your social interactions play an important role in maintaining good hearing health. The hearing aids’ unique Own Voice Processing technology measures how much you are socially interacting with others, so you can keep track of your social engagement and stay on top of any situation.

Get a Fantastic Signia AX Quote Today

Saving more than your Hearing

Experience the benefits of My Wellbeing with the premium, natural sound of Signia AX at HEARING SAVERS.

To find out more about more, contact HEARING SAVERS today!

Adrienne Blechman, Principal Audiologist

Adrienne Blechman

Principal Audiologist

Phone ☎ 1800 00 4327

22nd Sep 2022 Ryan

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