Hearing Aid Battery Tips & FAQs
Maximise your Hearing Aid Batteries
We sell thousands of hearing aid batteries per month to hearing aid wearers across Australia.
Many of our clients ask us how best to store and extend the life of their hearing aid batteries, so we thought we'd share our list of tips to maximise your investment in hearing aid batteries, and ensure reliable and optimal hearing aid performance.
If you any questions or ideas you'd like to contribute, please don't hesitate to contact us on freecall 1800 00 4327 or at save@hearingsavers.com.au
Maximise the Life of your Hearing Aid Batteries
- Do not remove the plastic tabs on the back of each battery until you are ready to use them. Hearing aid batteries are powered by zinc air, meaning they are activated by air. When the tab is removed, you are starting the battery.
- Once you remove the plastic tab on the back of the battery, do not place the battery into your hearing aid straight away. Let the battery sit out for at least 1 to 2 minutes, which allows the hearing aid battery to take in enough air to charge up before it is placed in the hearing aid.
- Do not put the tab back on the battery - this can damage the battery.
- Always purchase new, unopened battery packages. Make sure the seal on a new battery is unbroken.
- When replacing the battery in your hearing aid, wash your hands thoroughly as grease and dirt on hearing aid batteries can cause damage to your hearing aid.
- When you're not using your hearing aid, your hearing aid should be turned off, placed in a secure location and left with the battery door open . This has two benefits: it minimises the battery drain and allows moisture to escape, which will reduce the risk of battery corrosion and damaging your hearing aid.
- If you plan not to wear the hearing aid for an extended period of time, we recommend removing and disposing of the partially used battery.
When to Change your Hearing Aid Batteries
Battery life varies from 3 days to 10+ days, depending on the battery size, your hearing model, the amplification, hours of use per day and the features of the hearing aid being used. For example, streaming from your mobile has a direct influence on the running time of a battery due to the high currents the hearing aid draws in streaming mode.
Hearing aid batteries can lose power suddenly, so always carry an extra set of batteries with you at all times.
We recommend changing your batteries when:
- sounds become distorted;
- you need to turn up the volume more than usual;
- you have not changed your battery for a long time; or
- your hearing aid notifies you, usually via a small beeping sound, that the battery is low. Be sure to switch batteries immediately when you hear this alarm.
Remove dead batteries immediately. A completely discharged battery may swell and become difficult to remove.
Storing your Hearing Aid Batteries
- Batteries typically have a long shelf-life, up to 3 or 4 years. Store your hearing aid batteries at normal room temperature, and avoid storing in extreme temperatures. Many years ago, putting batteries in the fridge made them last longer; the exact opposite is true with today’s zinc air batteries.
- Do not keep batteries in your pockets. Store your hearing aid batteries away from coins, keys and other metal objects because this may cause the batteries to short circuit or discharge.
Keeping your Hearing Aid Batteries Safe
- Keep your batteries and hearing aids out of sight and out of reach from children
- Ensure the battery compartment of your hearing aid is secure, so the battery doesn't accidentally fall out
- Dispose of used batteries immediately. Flat batteries can still be dangerous.
- If you suspect a child has swallowed a battery, immediately go to a hospital emergency room. Do not let the child eat or drink and do not induce vomiting. Call the Poisons Information Centre on 13 11 26 for additional treatment information.
Disposing of your Hearing Aid Batteries
Many of our clients are unsure what to do with their used hearing aid batteries. We're delighted to introduce our Hearing Aid Battery Recycle program. Simply drop off your used batteries at either our Bentleigh or Malvern hearing clinics or post them to us at:
494 Centre Rd
Bentleigh VIC 3204
... and we'll recycle your old batteries! Else, drop them off at your local recycling centre.
Battery recycling allows the non-renewable resources in batteries to be recovered. It removes toxic and hazardous substances from landfill, particularly lead, cadmium and mercury that may contaminate groundwater.
Read more about zinc-air technology...